quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

O Outro Lado das Mulheres Italianas

Itália... País famoso pelas pizzas, carros velozes... e belas mulheres. Mas, há outro lado que pode passar depercebido: apenas 45% das mulheres trabalham fora de casa.

Quem é que as pode culpar? Numa terra onde o seu líder Berlusconi é apanhado incessantemente em escândalos sexuais e poses que objectificam as mulheres?

É pena que assim seja - e o que vale é que ele não poderá lá ficar para sempre. Esperemos apenas que o próximo não seja igual ou pior!

1 comentário:

  1. Alguns excertos:

    "Italy lags badly: in labor participation, 87th place worldwide; wage parity, 121st; opportunity for women to take leadership positions, 97th. In the report’s overall ranking, Italy now places 74th in the world for its treatment of women—behind Colombia, Peru, and Vietnam, and seven places lower than it did when Berlusconi returned to office in 2008."

    "Only 45 percent of all Italian women work outside the home, the lowest rate in the European Union, and that rate has been stagnant for the past five years. By comparison, 80 percent of Norwegian women and 72 percent of British women work outside the home. When Italian women do have jobs, they earn on average 20 percent less than men, and they hold only 7 percent of Italy’s corporate-management positions, versus an average of 33 percent in Scandinavian countries."

    "An Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development survey calculated that Italian men have 80 minutes more leisure time per day than their female counterparts, more than males from any other OECD country. (In Norway, men have just three minutes more leisure time a day than women.) "

    "Ironically, despite this idealization of the Italian mother, Italy’s birthrate is the lowest in Europe, at 1.3 children."

    "Berlusconi (...) apologized for not being able to combat growing rape numbers by explaining, “We don’t have enough soldiers to stop rape because our women are so beautiful.”"

    "He appointed an ex-showgirl, Mara Carfagna, to be Italy’s minister of equal opportunity. Her topless-photo calendars still hang in the back halls of the Italian Parliament."

    "At a recent rally he said there was one way for women to ensure their future happiness and financial security: “Look for a wealthy boyfriend,” he told a shocked crowd. “This suggestion is not unrealistic.”"

    "A year ago, more than 100,000 women signed a petition titled “Berlusconi Offends Us.” He laughed it off, asking, “How can anyone say I don’t love women?”"


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