terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2008

Olhá a Aspirina Baratinha!

Não é que fosse preciso dizê-lo novamente mas...

Os gigantes farmacêuticos gastam mais dinheiro em publicidade do que em investigação e desenvolvimento de novos remédios. Mais concretamente... o DOBRO.

The researchers’ estimate is based on the systematic collection of data directly from the industry and doctors during 2004, which shows the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spent 24.4% of the sales dollar on promotion, versus 13.4% for research and development, as a percentage of US domestic sales of US$235.4 billion.

In case you are wondering who made this study well the research is co-authored by PhD candidate Marc-André Gagnon, who led the study and Joel Lexchin, a long-time researcher of pharmaceutical promotion, Toronto physician, and Associate Chair of York’s School of Health Policy & Management in the Faculty of Health.

(via ZMEScience)

Portanto, vejam lá se da próxima vez que forem ao supermercado, passem nas novas áreas de medicamentos e façam o favor de lhes demonstrar que a publicidade funciona.

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